Article Title

Shortest Route with Time Dependant Length of Edges and Limited Delay Possibilities in Nodes. By j.Halpern


This is the the first paper of three I have been received from the company as the The literature study. The main idea of the paper is searching for the shortest route under specific conditions as following:

  • Parking in a node of a directed graph is limited in a certain period;
  • Not all desirable delay of departure time from a given node is permitted (almost the same with bullet 1);
  • Travelling time along the edge leading from i to j depends on the departure time from i.

Lots of pernomena in the real life can be modelled as the problem with mentioned conditions. An example is a one-way road with traffic light system.

Problem Formulation

Define $G = (N,E)$ as an $n$-node finite directed graph, then we denote:

  • $N = \{1,…,n\}$: the set of all nodes;
  • $E = \{(i, j), i, j\in N\}$: the set of all directed edges;
  • $N_k = \{j \in N, (k,j) \in E\}$: the set of all j that edge exists from $k$ to $j$;
  • $N^*$: the set of known nodes in the shortest route from origin;
  • $N^{**}$: the set of all nodes that reachable from current node;
  • $d_{ij}(t)$: travelling time from node $i$ to $j$;
  • $P_i = \{ [\alpha_i^h, \beta_i^h], h = 1,…,H_i\}$: the set of permitted parking time intervals at node i;
  • $A_j$: the set of feasible arrival times to node $j$;
  • $D_j$: the set of feasible departure times from node $j$, $D_j = g(A_j, P_j)$.

A feasible route from node $r$ to node $s$ in $G$ is featured by:

  • ordered set of nodes $\{r = i_1, i_2, …,i_q = s\}$ such that $(i_k, i_{k+1}) \in E$ for all $k = 1, …, q-1$;
  • ordered set of pairs of time $\{(t_{i_1}^{‘}, t_{i_1}^{“}),…,(t_{i_q}^{‘}, t_{i_q}^{“})\}$, where $t_j^{‘}$ is the arrival time to node $j$ and $t_j^{“}$ is the departure time from $t_j$.

Then if a node $i_k$ is feasible in the route, the requirements are:

  • $(t_{i_k}^{‘}, t_{i_k}^{“}) \in P_{i_k}$, indicating the delayed time in node $i_k$ should lies in the permitted time interval;
  • $d_{i_ki_{k+1}}(t_{i_k}^{“}) < \infty$, indicating no discontinuity on the edge $(i_k, i_{k+1})$. If there is any, a new node can be construct to avoid the problem. (The unvaild edge will be divided into two parts, which can be used to cut unavailable paths.)

Then the problem can be formulated as: finding a feasible route $\{r = i_1, i_2, …,i_q = s\}$ from $r$ to $s$, minimizes $t_s^{‘}.$



A few conclusions should be specified before we introduce the algorithm to solve the problem:

  • Since the parking and delay is limited in the problem, a cycle (visiting a node more than once) can be involved in the final route to find the shortest route;
  • Due to bullet 1, it is necessary to update $A_j$ whenever $N^*$ is expanded;
  • $D_j$ is constructed with $A_j$ and $P_j$. If $A_j \cap [\alpha_j^h, \beta_j^h] = \varnothing$, indicating no parking at node $j$, then $D_j = A_j$; if $A_j \cap [\alpha_j^h, \beta_j^h] \not = \varnothing, Min \{ A_j \cap [\alpha_j^h, \beta_j^h] \} = t^{‘}$, indicating parking occurs at the node $j$ and $t^{‘}$ is the smallest time point, then $\forall t: t^{‘} \leq t \leq \beta_j^h, t \in D_j$;
  • The algorithm keeps expanding and , and transferring candidates in to . Once the destination has been added into , the shortest route is found.


Initialization: Set the start point to $r$

  • $N^*=\varnothing, N^{**}={r}$
  • $A_1 = {0}, D_1=\varnothing, A_j=D_j=0$
  • $k = r$

Transfer Node: transfer valid node $k$ from to $N^*$, update $D_k$

  • $N^* = N^* \cup \{k\}$,
  • $D = g(A_k, P_k) - D_k$, $D_k = D_k \cup D$, $A_k = \varnothing$. Here excluding $D_k$ because we need a new departure time if we do not visit $k$ for the first time. The old time needs to be removed to update $D_k$. After moving $k$ into $N^*$, $A_k$ can be set to $\varnothing$ because it has already been an available point.

Search for Available Nodes: search for available nodes and add them into $N^{**}$, update $A_j$

  • $\forall j \in N_k$, compute $A_j = A_j \cup \{t + d_{kj}(t),t \in D\} - D_j$. Here is the same reason as mentioned to exclude $D_j$. We always need the current arrival and departure time.
  • $\bar N_k = \{ j \in N_k, A_j \not = \varnothing\}$ represents all reachable nodes start from $k$
  • , add reachable nodes to $N^{**}$
  • if $N^{**} = \varnothing$, then the algorithm is terminated because there is no feasible route. Otherwise continue to the next step

Search for the Nodes with Shortest Time Consuming: in all available nodes, search for the one with shortest time comsuming. If it is the destination point, then terminate. Otherwise transfer it to $N^*$ and keep loop

  • $\forall j \in \bar N_k$, compute $T_j = inf\{t, t\in A_j\}$. Here we define $T_j$ as the infimum of time consuming when entering node $j$
  • Let , and be the node for which . If is the destination node, then terminate, is the length of the shortest route. Otherwise transfer from from to . Here $k$ actually means the next valid point, instead of the $k$ mentioned in the first step.

Application Scenario

Up to now I have not seen any implementation of the idea. But an assumption is that the method can be used to cut a path into pieces if the agent has to stop anywhere on the path. For example, when multiple agents working together and there some crossovers on their paths, the crossover point can be regarded as a new node and paths of them need to be re-calculated to ensure the global optimization.

Something Confused

This note is mostly a copy from the orginal paper Shortest Route with Time Dependent Length of Edges and Limited Delay Possibilities in Nodes by J.Halpern. I just add some note on where there can be misunderstood if you read it for the first time. But still, I am confused in the following part:

  • The organism of updating $A_j$;
  • Why not set $N^{**}$ to $\varnothing$ after transfer node. It looks like not only one node is added in step 3;
  • It looks like $T^*$ represents the arrival time of entering the destination, why it is the length of the shortest route?